Some amazing Wilders have demonstrated the Wilder Spirit and the philosophy of Wilder World in such impressive ways, creating content that are helpful to light the way for new Wilder citizens. Here we share those invaluable assets with the community 💫.

📰 The Open Metaverse: A Definitive Guide to Zero and Wilder World by Bart Hillerich

🏎 Sma11's Wheels Black Book

🗄 Wild Bookman’s Wilder World Assets Database

📘 CryptoCaspa Wilder’s Ledger Settings PDF

📂 Yob’s Wilder Terminology Spreadsheet

📘 CryptoCaspa Wilder’s Beginner’s handbook to Wilder World

🏞️ Wilder World Info-duction by D00D

🏞️ zChain infographic LΘΤΣΝΣ and pok3y

🏞️ Discord Text Tricks by LΘΤΣΝΣ and pok3y

🏞️ Wilder World and Zero Infographics by Belshe

🏞️ Wilder World Industry Breakdown by Belshe

🗄️ Wilder Beasts Rarity Tool by Moo

🏞️ Wilder Beasts Breakdown by D00D