| Industry | Collection | Drop Zine | Genesis Asset | Mint Date | Mint Price | Mint Number/ Total Supply* | Minting Requirements | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Kicks | Season 0 (S0) | https://zine.wilderworld.com/introducing-air-wild-kicks-the-original-nft-sneaker-drop-on-the-wilder-world-metaverse-market-wwmm/ | Yes | 12th September 2021 | Auction | 69/99 | Auction and bidding on WWMM | | | Season 1 (S1) | https://zine.wilderworld.com/air-wild-season-one-whitelist-raffle-now-open/ | No | 19th January 2022 | 0.21 ETH +Gas | 182/198 | Raffle (WW NFT holders) | | | Season 2 (S2) | https://zine.wilderworld.com/aws2-mintlist/ | No | 19th April 2022 | 0.21 ETH +Gas | 269/297 | Raffle (WW genesis NFT holders) | | Wheels | Tier A | https://zine.wilderworld.com/wheels-community-drop/ | Yes | 30th September 2021 | 0.369 ETH +Gas | 1000/1000 | Raffle (loyal community members) | | | Tier B | https://zine.wilderworld.com/the-deets-wilder-wheels-whitelist-public-sale/ | Yes | 28th October 2021 | 0.369 ETH +Gas | 3822/4000 | Raffle (public) | | | Tier C | https://zine.wilderworld.com/wilder-wheels-tier-c-getting-set-to-start-their-wengines-2/ | Yes | 21st December 2021 | 0.738 ETH +Gas | 850/1500 | Public mint | | Cribs | Cribs | https://zine.wilderworld.com/wilder-cribs-whitelist-raffle-winners-announced/ | Yes | 30th November 2021 | 501 WILD +Gas | 99/108 | Raffle (18 ally and 81 community spots) | | Crafts | Crafts | https://zine.wilderworld.com/countdown-to-wilder-craft-mint-ignition/ | Yes | 16th December 2021 | 999 WILD +Gas | 498/501 | Whitelist (all WW NFT holders) | | Beasts | Wolves | https://zine.wilderworld.com/wolfpack-genesis-drop/ | Yes | 13th April 2022 | 0.07 ETH +Gas | 2923/3333 | Pre-mint (WW NFT or WILD holders), new community raffle | | Moto | Moto | https://zine.wilderworld.com/moto-drop-details/ | Yes | 12th - 19th July 2022 Claim Period | Gas only | /6396 | Free claim (+ gas) for Wheels holders |

*A proportion of NFTs from each industry are kept for giveaways, promotions or the DAO

Wilder World NFTs are procedurally generated and are amongst the highest quality and highest utility 5D NFTs ever created. Everything in the Wilder World besides foundational structures such as roads and streetlights will be an NFT, each with its own utility, value and rarity. NFT utility can refer to in-game utility such as Player Vs Player (PVP) and Play to Earn (P2E) gaming, or rewards based utility in industry staking. Wheels for example will be fully drivable in Wilder World and can be raced, used as transportation or staked to earn a portion of the entire Wilder.Wheels industry GDP.

There are currently eight Wilder World NFT industries, in which Kicks (Air Wild Season 0, 1 and 2), Wheels, Crafts, Cribs, Beasts (wolves) and Moto have been launched, with Land and Pals coming soon.  Wilder World Genesis NFTs are the first collection of each Wilder industry. As Wilder industries evolve, Genesis owners will benefit from holding these assets in the newly developed Genesis Rewards Program.