πŸ‘‰ Check out **Wilder Kicks on the WWMM**

πŸ‘‰ Check out Wilder Kicks on the OpenSea

Kicks are a procedurally generated NFT sneaker line of wearable sneakers in the metaverse.

Our Genesis collection, Season 0, as well as Season 1, were created by Pet Liger, who is a team of two, with Constantinos being the artist and Calibrate as operations. Air Wild Season 2 Kicks were created by Chad Knight, head of cyberwear.

Unlocking NFT utility in the Metaverse is critical for the continued success and mass adoption of NFTs across all web3 platforms and broader ecosystem.

Full utility of NFTs in our Metaverse has always been at the core of everything we have built in the Wilder Nation. It’s a vision of a world where Wilders can roam freely and express themselves through unique and decorative digital assets and fashionable accessories that have special abilities. ****Click here to read more.


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