Secure Your Most Prized Wilder Assets with Ledger


💫 Welcome Wilder! Ready to live the lore and protect your assets with a Ledger like n3o does?

💫 Wilder World wants to ensure that Wilders near and far are up to speed on best practices to keep Wilder NFTs and tokens safe. This guide will showcase the most common ways to utilize a blockchain wallet and why Ledger is our go-to option for securing our Trinities!

💫 With a deeper understanding on how to organize your $WILD, NFTs, and the wallets they are stored in, you’ll be ready to secure your most prized digital assets like precious gems in an impenetrable vault.

Types of Wallets💰

Below we’ve listed the three main variations on how to utilize a wallet on the blockchain:

❄️ A Cold Wallet is a hardware wallet that should hold your most valuable assets. This wallet stays completely offline. Do not connect it to any sites or approve any smart contracts. You want to be as safe as possible with your Wilder World assets; do not risk compromise with this wallet!

🔥 A Hot Wallet is a very active wallet. Usually automated with programs built to trade for you. These programs are constantly signing contracts, transferring assets, etc. Wilders, note that your own hand would not be the one actually signing to approve these actions. Using a wallet in this way will make it very susceptible to compromise.

🔅A Warm Wallet is the same as a hot wallet, but without automation. Your hand would always be the one approving transactions and smart contracts. This makes it safer than a hot wallet and better suited for trading a minimal amount of Wilder World assets.


**Digital (Online)**💻 **vs Hardware (Offline)**🗄️

Knowing the difference between digital and hardware wallets is one of many small steps towards harnessing the power that knowledge of blockchain safety can provide.

In both the real world and in the 5D metaverse, online wallets, like MetaMask, live on your computer and store your private keys on the device. On the flip side, offline wallets, like Ledger, can be unplugged from the computer, and keep your private keys safe in a complex, protected, USB device. Offline wallets can utilize online wallets, like MetaMask or Ledger Live, for active use.

💻 Digital Examples

🗄️ Hardware Examples